Thursday, 7 May 2015 00:00

Enrollment Drive

Enrollment DriveEnrollment Drive

Masoom staff along with SMDCs and staff of night schools and volunteers organised enrollment drives in communities surrounding all 30 night schools under the School Transformation Program. The purpose of enrollment drive is to create awareness about the night school facility, to identify out-of-school students or school drop outs and motivate more and more youth to enroll in night schools. These drives included street plays, distribution of pamphlets, advertising and door to door campaign for enrolling students for next academic year. The drop outs are also contacted on one to one basis and motivated to join night school. The parents are made aware of the facilities provided by Masoom in night school and assured that they will not have to spend money for education in night school. Night schools teachers and studened performed street plays as a technique to bring awareness about education and for the enrollment for next academic year.

Contact us

Mumbai: Plot No - 788, Parsi Colony, Near Dadar T.T Circle, Jame Jamshed Rd
Tel: +91-22-24132202. E-mail: